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Closing Ratio Increase Using Conversation

Increase Your Closing Ratio With Conversation

November 22, 20233 min read

Not following up with your prospects is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain. Michelle Moore, Selling Simplified

Nurturing Leads to Close More Sales: The Power of Persistent Communication


In the world of sales, a 'no' isn't always the end of the road. It can be the beginning of a journey towards a future 'yes'. Sales professionals understand the importance of persistence and the art of nurturing relationships. By continuing to communicate with prospects, even when they're not ready to buy immediately, salespeople can build trust, establish authority, and eventually close more sales. This blog post explores how leveraging technology for sustained communication can transform prospects into loyal customers over time.

The Role of Persistent Communication in Sales

Building a Relationship Beyond the Sale

In sales, the relationship with a prospect is more valuable than a single transaction. Continuous communication allows sales professionals to understand their prospects' evolving needs and preferences, laying the groundwork for long-term business relationships.

The Long Game: Trust and Authority

Regular follow-ups and check-ins demonstrate reliability and a genuine interest in the prospect's needs. Over time, this builds trust and positions the salesperson as an authority in their field, making them the go-to person when the prospect is ready to buy.

How Technology Facilitates Ongoing Communication

Automated Follow-ups

  • Example: Automated email sequences can be set up to keep in touch with prospects at regular intervals. These emails can provide valuable information, industry insights, or friendly check-ins, keeping the salesperson's name at the forefront of the prospect's mind.

  • Strategy: Implement a system that schedules regular, personalized emails to prospects, ensuring consistent communication without overwhelming them.

CRM Tools for Personalized Interactions

  • Example: CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools can help sales professionals track the history of interactions with each prospect, allowing for more personalized follow-up conversations.

  • Strategy: Utilize CRM data to tailor follow-up messages based on previous interactions, interests shown, or feedback given by the prospect.

Social Media Engagement

  • Example: Engaging with prospects on social media platforms can help sales professionals stay connected in a more informal and interactive way.

  • Strategy: Use social media to share relevant content, comment on prospects' posts, and engage in conversations, thereby maintaining a presence in the prospect's online world.

Virtual Check-ins and Webinars

  • Example: Scheduling regular virtual check-ins or inviting prospects to webinars can keep the conversation going, providing value without the pressure of a sales pitch.

  • Strategy: Organize informative webinars on topics relevant to the prospect's interests and schedule non-sales virtual meetings to discuss industry trends or provide company updates.

The Compound Effect of Regular Follow-ups

A Sale is Never Truly Lost

When a prospect says 'no', it often means 'not right now'. Regular, value-added communication keeps the door open for future opportunities. Sales professionals who master the art of follow-up are more likely to convert these prospects when the time is right.

Compounding Returns Over Time

Each interaction with a prospect, no matter how small, adds to the trust and credibility of the sales professional. Over time, these interactions compound, increasing the likelihood of not just one sale, but multiple sales and referrals.


In sales, persistence pays off. By continuing to communicate with prospects, sales professionals can turn initial rejections into future successes. Leveraging technology for regular follow-ups, personalized communication, and value-driven engagement can significantly enhance the chances of closing more sales in the long run. Remember, a sales journey doesn’t end with a 'no'; it's just a step towards a future 'yes'.

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Walt Bayliss

Walt Bayliss - Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and father of two.

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Who is Walt Bayliss

Unlocking Your Magic through Entrepreneurship

Hailing from a small country town in Western Australia, Walt Bayliss's journey is an inspiring tale of resilience, passion, and ceaseless innovation. Born into a family of farmers, Walt's entrepreneurial spirit was kindled early. Sent to boarding school at the age of 12, he faced the challenges of city life with little financial support. This spurred him to start his first business at 15, going door-to-door washing cars.

Walt built his career on a foundation of hospitality and sales, discovering a love for serving others while honing the art and psychology of selling. He navigated the intricate world of marketing strategies and product development, always ensuring his creations resonated with his clients' needs. One of his most remarkable achievements includes a staggering three-quarters of a million dollars in revenue generated in just 7 days. His entrepreneurial acumen led him to successfully exit a webinar platform, selling it to an investment group.

A Tae Kwon Do black belt, Walt draws parallels between the discipline of martial arts and entrepreneurship. His journey in Tae Kwon Do has taught him the value of persistence, instilling in him the belief that continuous learning and unwavering determination are key to mastering any craft. Walt often shares insights on overcoming the fear of failure, emphasizing that the anticipation of a challenge is often more paralyzing than facing the challenge itself.

In 2019, Walt delivered a standout talk in Bangkok, exploring themes of vulnerability and courage essential for an entrepreneur's path. He passionately speaks about unlocking one's inner magic, focusing on self-worth, uniqueness, and the courage to persist.

In 2021 Walt founded an international software company with two co-founders called Comet – that currently includes thousands of clients from all over the world, with the product being that of lead generation and business growth.

Balancing his entrepreneurial journey with fatherhood, Walt cherishes the time his career has afforded him to be actively involved in his children's lives. He views fatherhood as a leadership role, emphasizing the importance of being present for those special familial moments.

Walt's philosophy is centered on the power of choice. He believes that everyone has the potential to steer their tomorrow based on the choices they make today. His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is succinct yet profound: let the market determine your value, create for it, and tirelessly work on expanding your reach.

While Walt hasn't sought the spotlight of media appearances, his journey and insights resonate with everyone who has had the privilege of learning from him. His podcast episodes of ‘Buiness and People’ reached fortune 500 CEO’s, Media Personalities, 3 star generals and Olympic athletes. Walt Bayliss is not just an entrepreneur but a storyteller, inspiring others to unlock the magic within themselves and chart their own path to success.

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